Pisces is a notable constellation within the zodiac, primarily situated in the Northern celestial hemisphere. Its primary configuration, recognized in various European cultures since Greco-Roman antiquity, resembles a distant pair of fish connected by a single cord that converges at a central point. The constellation is represented by the old astronomical symbol ♓︎ and derives its name from the Latin word for “fishes.”

Positioned between Aquarius to the southwest, of comparable size, and the smaller Aries to the east, Pisces marks the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator. This unique celestial alignment occurs within Pisces and extends into Virgo. As a result, the sun, on average, traverses the sky directly overhead the equator at approximately this specific point during the March equinox.

History and mythology

The constellation Pisces finds its origins in a combination of Babylonian constellations. It incorporates elements from Šinunutu4, often referred to as “the great swallow,” situated in the western part of what is now considered Pisces, and Anunitum, associated with the “Lady of the Heaven,” potentially representing Inanna, in the location of the northern fish. Within the first-millennium BC texts known as the Astronomical Diaries, a segment of this constellation was also identified as DU.NU.NU, sometimes called Rikis-nu.mi, which translates to “the fish cord or ribbon.”

Greco-Roman period

Pisces is linked to the Greek myth featuring Aphrodite and her son Eros, who either transformed into fish to escape a threat or were saved by two fish. According to one Greek version, as recounted by Hyginus, Aphrodite and Eros were visiting Syria when they fled from the monstrous Typhon. To evade danger, they leaped into the Euphrates River and assumed the forms of fishes (Poeticon astronomicon 2.30, citing Diognetus Erythraeus). In the Roman version of the tale, Venus and Cupid (the Roman counterparts of Aphrodite and Eros) were carried away from the same peril on the backs of two fish (Ovid Fasti 2.457ff).

Another origin story, preserved by Hyginus in a different work, tells of an egg that rolled into the Euphrates. Some fish gently nudged the egg to the shore, where doves then incubated it until Aphrodite (later known as the Syrian Goddess) hatched from it. As a reward, the fish were placed in the heavens as a constellation (Fabulae 197). This narrative is also documented by the Third Vatican Mythographer.

Modern period

In 1690, the astronomer Johannes Hevelius, in his work “Firmamentum Sobiescianum,” divided the Pisces constellation into four subdivisions:[33]

  • Piscis Boreus (the North Fish): Comprising stars σ, 68, 65, 67, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, χ, φ, υ, 91, τ, 82, 78 Psc.
  • Linum Boreum (the North Cord): Including stars χ, ρ, 94, VX (97), η, π, ο, and α Psc.
  • Linum Austrinum (the South Cord): Encompassing stars α, ξ, ν, μ, ζ, ε, δ, 41, 35, and ω Psc.
  • Piscis Austrinus (the South Fish): Consisting of stars ω, ι, θ, 7, β, 5, κ, 9, λ, and TX (19) Psc.

It’s worth noting that “Piscis Austrinus” more commonly refers to a separate constellation of its own.

In 1754, the botanist and author John Hill proposed the creation of a southern zone within Pisces, naming it Testudo (the Turtle). This zone included stars 24, 27, YY (30), 33, and 29 Psc, with the star 20 Psc representing the head of the turtle. Although Admiral Smyth mentioned this proposal, it received little attention from other astronomers and is now considered obsolete.

Western folklore

In German folklore, there’s a tale of Antenteh, a humble individual who possessed only a tub and a simple cabin. His life took a magical turn when he encountered two enchanted fish. These mystical fish offered him a wish, which he initially declined. However, at the insistence of his wife, he returned to the fish and wished for a splendidly furnished home. The wish was granted, but her desires continued to grow. She then wished to become a queen and to have a palace. However, when she dared to aspire to become a goddess, the fish became angered and reclaimed the palace and home, leaving the couple with just the tub and cabin once more. Interestingly, the tub is sometimes associated with the Great Square of Pegasus.

In non-Western astronomy

In Chinese astronomy, the stars of Pisces played a role in the formation of various constellations. Wai-ping, symbolizing the “Outer Enclosure,” was akin to a fence, preventing a pig farmer from venturing into the marshes and ensuring the pigs stayed within their confines. This constellation was represented by stars such as Alpha, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Mu, Nu, and Xi Piscium. The marshy terrain was symbolized by the four stars known as Phi Ceti. Additionally, the northern fish of Pisces contributed to the formation of the House of the Sandal constellation, known as Koui-siou.

Pisces | Famous NBA players

Stephen Curry


Stephen Curry, often known simply as “Steph”, is an American professional basketball player who has revolutionized the game with his exceptional shooting skills. Born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio, Curry has achieved remarkable success in the National Basketball Association (NBA) playing for the Golden State Warriors.

From a young age, Curry was exposed to basketball, being the son of former NBA player Dell Curry. He began his college basketball career at Davidson College, where he was twice named Southern Conference Player of the Year. His impressive college performance paved the way for his NBA journey.

Drafted by the Golden State Warriors in 2009, Curry quickly became a pivotal player for the team. His unique ability to shoot from long-range, coupled with his ball-handling skills, made him a threat on the court. Over the years, he has been recognized with multiple accolades, including two NBA MVP awards, making him the first player in NBA history to be voted MVP by unanimous decision.

Curry’s influence extends beyond the basketball court. He is known for his philanthropic efforts, especially in the field of education. He has also been involved in various business ventures and has made appearances in films and television shows.

His dedication, hard work, and passion for the game have not only made him one of the most celebrated players in the NBA but also an inspiration to many aspiring basketball players worldwide.

In conclusion, Stephen Curry is not just a basketball player; he is a phenomenon. His impact on the game and his ability to inspire countless individuals make him a true legend in the world of sports.

Shaquille O'Neal


Shaquille O’Neal, often simply known as “Shaq”, is an American former professional basketball player who is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Born on March 6, 1972, in Newark, New Jersey, Shaq’s towering presence, both on and off the court, has made him a household name.

O’Neal began his illustrious basketball career with the Orlando Magic in 1992 after being the first overall pick in the NBA draft. His impact was immediate, earning him the NBA Rookie of the Year award. In 1996, he joined the Los Angeles Lakers, where he formed a formidable partnership with Kobe Bryant. Together, they led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002.

In 2004, Shaq moved to the Miami Heat and added another NBA championship to his resume in 2006. Throughout his career, he also played for the Phoenix Suns, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Boston Celtics before retiring in 2011.

O’Neal’s dominance on the court was evident in his numerous accolades. He was a 15-time NBA All-Star, 3-time NBA Finals MVP, and was named to the All-NBA First Team eight times. His playing style was characterized by his incredible strength, agility for a man of his size, and his ability to overpower opponents in the paint.

Off the court, Shaq’s larger-than-life personality has made him a popular figure in the entertainment industry. He has ventured into acting, music, and television hosting. His charismatic nature and sense of humor have endeared him to fans worldwide.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the sport, Shaquille O’Neal was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016.

In summary, Shaquille O’Neal’s legacy in the world of basketball is undeniable. His achievements, both as a player and as an entertainer, have solidified his place as one of the all-time greats in the annals of sports history.

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